Important Message from GHSFL
GHSFL Faculty Sponsors, Team Parents, Coaches, and Fencers,
As all are aware, the Individual Championship at Alpharetta HS scheduled for this past Saturday was cancelled because of the weather. After consideration by the Board of a series of alternatives governed primarily by the availability of facilities and recognizing that it is not possible to avoid all conflicts, we decided it best to conduct the remainder of the GHSFL season on dates that have been scheduled for GHSFL events since last August: March 7th and March 21st. That being the case, the Individual Championships will be held at Pope HS on Saturday, March 7th. The Team Championships and the Freshman/Sophomore Tournament will be held at Roswell HS on Saturday, March 21st. In case of the 21st, we will do our best to keep these events separate, although at the same location. Because the actual start times of specific events are significant to those of you who have other commitments on the scheduled dates, Pope and Roswell will provide start times as soon as possible.
Please let me know if you have questions or comments,
Terry W. White
Chairman, GHSFL